Thursday, 11 December 2014

Music magazine research- Target reader- Yougov

When researching how I would find my target reader I came across the website Yougov which lead me to a profile. I researched student and a number of different profiles came up, I came across a certain profile of a student aged between 18-24 and this would be the age of a student who has entered third level education. This helped me a lot as it is around the age I have targeted my magazine for but my magazine will also be available for students who are under 18 also.

I have followed on from my research form Yougov to create my actual ideal reader. This will be helpful to me when I'm actually creating my magazine. 

Prezi -Music Magazine planning

Target audience Questionnaire analysis

This is my analysis of the feedback i got from my questionnaire and it has helped me decide on aspects of my magazine.

Friday, 5 December 2014

This is my target audience questionnaire

This is my target audience questionnaire, I have posted it on facebook in order to see the range of people who will answer it and what they like about music and magazines. This will help me decide on aspect for my magazine like what to feature, colour scheme, what type of artists and music to mention and more.